Chat with Softimpact
Our team of artists and developers at Softimpact have joined efforts to renovate Artimoda’s presence online. The project was to be redesigned, restructured and redeveloped to meet WEB 2.0 standards in a short timeframe. The process was remarkable resulting in a full Flash CS3 website that introduces new dimensions to online interactivity! Experience live this new interactive environment combining fashion, luxury, trend and technology by visiting About Artimoda:
To offer its customers a more effective service, in 1999 Giro Group established its production company, Artimoda, to satisfy the demands of the market. Starting the year 2000, it expanded its business to supply not only the region but other parts of the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and America. Today, Artimoda shares the same objective of its founder: to supply customers with the latest fashion innovations, always keeping their slogan in mind: excellent service, collaboration and responsibility towards their clients.