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The Issue with Online Pretending Driven by AI

The Issue with Online Pretending Driven by AI

March 5, 2024

A major concern is that artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more adept at imitating individuals and groups on the internet. Using artificial intelligence (AI), malevolent actors are able to send phony emails and create movies that appear authentic but aren't. People may be duped into believing falsehoods or divulging personal information as a result.

Videos of renowned persons saying or doing things they never really did can be created. These videos have the potential to distort people's perceptions and propagate false information.

They can even create fake articles or messages that appear to be from actual persons or businesses. These have the ability to trick people into performing bad things.

Cybersecurity professionals have a difficult time identifying these AI-generated fakes. Due of AI's exceptional ability to make things appear genuine, traditional methods of identifying lies are less effective. It is also a never-ending task to stay up with AI since it continues improving.

AI must be used to identify fakes in order to combat this issue, along with education on the perils of fake content on the internet and the need to exercise caution when deciding what to believe and whom to trust. We must remain ahead of AI's advancements in order to protect ourselves online.


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